Liittymislomake suomeksi

You are welcome to join us! The Finnish Veterinary Association works for the benefit of veterinarians. After filling out the application you will receive a confirmation of the application being sent. Your membership will begin after your application has been accepted. You will get a separate notification of acceptance.

Basic information
Please fill out the mandatory information
Please fill out the mandatory information
Please fill out the mandatory information
Please fill out the mandatory information
Please fill out the mandatory information
Please fill out the mandatory information
Please use your personal email!
Please fill out the mandatory information
Please fill out the mandatory information
Please fill out the mandatory information
Please fill out the mandatory information
Please fill out the mandatory information
Please fill out the mandatory information
Employment status
If you are not currently working, please mark the latest employer sector
You can see a detailed list of sectors by typing a search word in the field with grey borders
Fill out if you are working as an employee at a private veterinary clinic

Fill out if you have more than one employer

Type the selected sector to see specifications
Fill out if you are working as an employee at a private veterinary clinic
Student information
Degree and specialization

You can complete the details on specialties after being accepted as a member of Finnish Veterinary Association.

Do not fill out if you have a bachelor's degree in veterinary medicine
You can search for specialties by typing a search word in the field with grey borders
and agree with the terms

Please check that the social security number, bank account and veterinary licence number are correct. These are mandatory information for joining PuhTi.

Please fill out the mandatory information
Read the privacy statement
Please fill out the mandatory information

* Mandatory information